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EPT, Education, Professional, Active Methodologies


This article highlights the importance of active methodologies in Professional and Technological Education (PTE). It begins with an analysis of the current situation of PTE, emphasizing the need to overcome the historical duality between technical training and the comprehensive development of the student. Next, it explores the relevance of active methodologies, which give students an active role in knowledge construction, promoting the development of professional and personal skills. Additionally, it addresses how these pedagogical approaches benefit both students and teachers by enhancing teaching practice and preparing students for the demands of the job market and contemporary society. Thus, this article emphasizes the need for a paradigm shift in PTE, recognizing active methodologies as an effective means of educational transformation. It is concluded that the integration of active methodologies in PTE is essential to indicate a more comprehensive education aligned with the demands of today's society.


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Author Biographies

Graziela Martins Jordao, Regional University of Blumenau

Inglês: Master's student in Education (2023) in the Graduate Program in Teaching of Natural Sciences and Mathematics (PPGECIM) at the Municipal University of Blumenau FURB - Research line on Teacher Training and Practices in Contexts of Teaching Natural Sciences and Mathematics. Specialist in Professional and Technological Education from the Federal Institute of Santa Catarina - IFSC. Specialist in Mathematics Education and the World of Work from the Federal University of Piauí - UFPI. Bachelor of Mathematics from Faculdade Leonardo Da Vinci - Uniasselvi. Bachelor of Business Administration with a focus on Finance from the University of Vale do Itajaí - UNIVALI. Contract teacher for 8 years in the State of Santa Catarina and 2 years in the Municipality of Florianópolis, teaching the subject of Mathematics and its Pathways. Has 8 years of experience in teaching in Basic Education and 14 years of experience in the financial and banking market.

Arleide Rosa da Silva, Regional University of Blumenau

Holds a Bachelor's and Teaching Degree in Chemistry from the Regional University of Blumenau (1990 and 1993), and a Master's in Organic Chemistry from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (2002). Holds a PhD in Engineering and Knowledge Management from UFSC (2011) and an International MBA in Strategic Innovation Management - PUC/PR (2015). Has taught Chemistry in basic education and in technical and higher technology courses, developing curricula for technical and higher education and managing portfolios of innovation projects and resource acquisition at SENAI/SC. Participates in the creation of pedagogical projects for higher education courses (PPC), Municipal Curriculum Guidelines for Basic Education, and Institutional Policies for Teaching Degrees. Works in continuing education for teachers from both the municipal and state public networks in the area of Science and/or Chemistry Teaching. Currently teaches in undergraduate courses and in the professional master's program PPGECIM - Graduate Program in Teaching of Natural Sciences and Mathematics at FURB in Blumenau/SC, where he is part of the research line "Teacher Training and Practices in contexts of Teaching Natural Sciences and Mathematics" and is the leader of a CNPq research group entitled - Teaching of Natural Sciences and Mathematics. Develops research and extension projects focused on education, scientific literacy, and educational innovation. Is a member of the Brazilian Association for Research in Science Education (ABRAPEC), Brazilian Society for Chemistry Teaching - SBENQ, founding member of the Association of Creative Schools - ADEC, and coordinates the core of the International Network of Creative Schools (RIEC) at FURB. Member of the HABITAT extension collective and the REDI Institute - Respect, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion.


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