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Curriculum, Indian people, CPAHT, InterculturalityAbstract
This work analyzed the representations of the Timbira indigenous peoples, from the guided tours at the Center for Research in Archeology and Timbira History (CPAHT) of the State University of the Tocantina Region of the State University of the Tocantina Region (UEMASUL). We used a qualitative approach, which consisted of field research that took place at CPAHT. We observed and recorded questions from students and teachers in a logbook for six months during guided tours. We resorted to primary sources such as Curt Nimuendajú and the narratives of students from municipal schools in Imperatriz-MA. The main authors who supported the research were: Arroyo (2014), Candau (2014), Freire (2000), Luciano Baniwa (2016) and Silva (2012). The research pointed out stereotyped views rooted in the teaching and learning process, which are implicitly strengthened in the narratives of studentes and teachers. In this sense, we concluded, based on the research, that the participation of all educators and the development of educational policies for the appreciation of the cultural diversity existing in brazilian society are necessary.
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