Intangible Heritage as a Tool for Promoting Education in the Border Zone
A Look at Educational and Cultural Public Policies and Their Constitutional Legitimations
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Intangible heritage, Ipublic policies, education, culture, interculturalityAbstract
This article is titled: The Valorization of Intangible Heritage in Border Integration. Its study object is Cultural and Educational Public Policies / Rescue of Border Linguistic Memories. The objective is to highlight the patrimonial rights to disseminate the importance of intangible cultural assets, in order to value them as intangible heritage, in different teaching modalities, of Basic Education. The purpose is to encourage the oral, textual, and cultural production of students as a way to value intangible heritage issues, produced by individuals living in São Borja. The municipality is part of the Mesoregion Metade Sul, in the west of Rio Grande do Sul, and borders the city of Santo Tomé, Argentina. The idea of belonging and promoting a culture of respect for linguistic diversity with a focus on interculturality is emphasized. As a result, the article examines why the score was below expectations for the Basic Education Development Index (IDEB) in the language area in 2017. The methodology will involve bibliographic, quantitative, and qualitative research. Initially, it is noted that this issue is caused by school failure, as it primarily affects students in municipal and state schools, especially those from São Borja. However, this can be at least mitigated. The article justifies the importance of emphasizing that education and culture are essential tools for the development of border zones. This will be done through a descriptive investigation, utilizing the inductive methodology with an argumentative approach.
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