Rearrangements in Teaching and Instruction: Educational Planning and Management in the 21st Century.


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University Education, Privatization, Public Policy, Educational management, Productive Restructuring


In recent decades, Brazil has undergone significant socioeconomic transformations that have profoundly impacted higher education. Market liberalization and privatization have driven the expansion of private higher education institutions, meeting the pent-up demand for higher education, particularly among high school graduates from public schools. The reconfiguration of capital and productive restructuring have led the State to adopt a more assistive and regulatory role. This theoretical article, based on critical bibliographic analysis and data from INEP, explores the new arrangements and relationships in educational planning and management in the 21st century, focusing on higher education. It analyzes the expansion of private higher education driven by market liberalization and the adoption of business management practices in the educational sector, highlighting the consequences of these changes on public policies and the increasing reliance on the private sector.


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Author Biographies

Giancarlo Moser, Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina

Postdoctoral in Administration (PPGA/UNISUL, 2023), Postdoctoral in Cultural Goods (CPDOC/FGV, 2010), PhD in Social Sciences (UAV, 2007), PhD in Heritage Management and Tourism (UNIVALI, 2019), Master's in Heritage Management and Tourism (UNIVALI, 2001), Specialization in Culture and Language (ITC/UTrento, 1997), Specialization in Administration (Celer, 2009), Bachelor's in History (UFSC, 1992), Bachelor's in Sociology (UFSC, 1993), and Bachelor's in Management Processes (2008). Adjunct Professor at the University of Southern Santa Catarina in Undergraduate, Postgraduate, and Research in Stricto Sensu (PPGA). Was a Fellow at Palack University Olomouc (2018) and Visiting Scholar at FGC/CPDOC (2010). Former Vice Provost for Evaluation and Institutional Development, Director of the Faculty of Tourism and Gastronomy, Academic Director, Executive Director, Coordinator of Undergraduate Courses (Face-to-face and Distance Learning), Partner, and Director of Technical Schools. Acts as a Higher Education Professor (Undergraduate, Lato Sensu, and Stricto Sensu), Evaluator of Historical Heritage Projects (IPHAN), Evaluator of Undergraduate Courses of the State Council of Education/SC (since 2006), Higher Education Assessment of INEP/MEC (since 2002). Is a member of Research Groups: Innovation, Sustainability, and Society (PPGA/UNISUL), GT in Tourism, Hospitality, and Gastronomy (UNIVALI), and the Interinstitutional Project for Planning and Management of Higher Education. Was also a member of the Research Group in Landscape Studies and Research Laboratory and currently of Cultural Heritage - LEPPaC (UNISUL) and the GT in Management and Technology in Higher Education (GeTES). Effective member of the Historical and Geographical Institute of Santa Catarina (IHGSC), since 2017; received Honorable Mention for Contribution and Dedication to Higher Education in Santa Catarina (AMPESC No. 2,922 of 02/08/2013); Emeritus Professor of Leonardo da Vinci University Center (2010); in 2016 received the Paulo Freire Medal from MEC/Secretary of Continuing Education, Literacy, Diversity, and Inclusion (Port MEC No. 10, 04/19/16) and in 2018 received the Medal of Honor for Cultural Merit, from the Cultural Foundation of Rio do Sul, Rio do Sul Academy of Letters. Author and/or Editor of 15 books. Has experience in the area of Historical and Cultural Heritage, Planning and Management of Higher Education (Face-to-face and Distance Learning), and Teaching Management, mainly working on the following themes: History, Higher Education, Heritage and Tourism, and Higher Education Teaching.

Thiago Henrique Almino Francisco, Universidade do Extremo Sul Catarinense

Postdoctoral in Administration (PPGA/UFSC). Ph.D. from the Graduate Program in Engineering and Knowledge Management at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (EGC/UFSC). Master's degree from the Graduate Program in University Administration at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (PPGAU/UFSC). Holds specializations in People Management, Marketing and Competitive Intelligence, Entrepreneurship and New Business Development, and Academic and Administrative Processes Management in Higher Education. Bachelor's degree in Administration with emphasis in Marketing from the Faculty of Economic Sciences of the Carboniferous Region. Currently serves as Coordinator of the Institutional Assessment Sector (SEAI) of the Internal Evaluation Committee (CPA), and Professor at the Department of Administration, both linked to the University of Southern Extremo Catarinense (UNESC). In postgraduate studies, teaches in the Graduate Program (Master's - Ph.D.) in Socioeconomic Development at UNESC (PPGDS), where teaches Interdisciplinary Research Methods and Organizational Theories. Also acts as a lecturer in the Graduate Program (Professional Master's) in University Administration at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (PPGAU/UFSC), teaching the course on Regulatory Interfaces in Higher Education. Is affiliated as a researcher with the Institute of Studies and Research in University Administration (INPEAU UFSC) and the University Studies Group (GEU - UNESC). Has experience and technological products in topics related to evaluation and regulation of higher education and academic management, in organizational fields such as innovation, strategic management, and, transversally, in qualitative research methods. Since 2007, has been involved in technical and executive activities related to academic management, institutional evaluation management, and course coordination, contributing to the formulation of management strategies for indicators from ENADE and institutional evaluation. Has been teaching since 2009 and, since 2014, has been a professor at the University of Southern Extremo Catarinense (UNESC), where, since 2016, coordinates the Institutional Assessment Sector (SEAI) and the Internal Evaluation Committee (CPA). Since 2019, has been the Deputy Coordinator of the Administration and International Trade Administration courses, and between 2020 and 2022 worked as Pedagogical Advisor in the area of Applied Social Sciences.


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How to Cite

Moser, G., & Francisco, T. H. A. (2024). Rearrangements in Teaching and Instruction: Educational Planning and Management in the 21st Century.: PLANEJAMENTO E GESTÃO EDUCACIONAL NO SÉCULO XXI. Interdisciplinary Studies Journal, 6(1), 01–12.

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