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Agribusiness, Rice Production, Rice Processing, Sustainability, Agro-Industrial InnovationAbstract
This article examines the efficiency of rice production and processing, emphasizing the economic and nutritional importance of the grain in both the global and Brazilian contexts. Initially, the relevance of the agribusiness sector is highlighted, with a special focus on rice as one of the main cereals produced. The literature review addresses the evolution of rice cultivation in Brazil, focusing on the Southern region and the environmental impacts of production. The study then concentrates on a detailed analysis of rice processing, including drying, cleaning, husking, and grain separation stages. The methodological procedures involve mapping the processes in a rice cereal and processing company. The article identifies key areas for optimization and efficiency, suggesting the need for innovations and improvements in the sector. The study concludes by emphasizing the importance of understanding the production stages in the rice industry to ensure quality, from raw material to the final product, with recommendations for future research in the rice chain.
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