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Workload, Curriculum, Discipline, Graduation, Veterinarian


For the development of the political-pedagogical projects of undergraduate courses in Veterinary Medicine in Brazil, some mandatory basic curriculum components must be included to ensure training inherent to professional practice. The present study aimed to analyze the curriculum frameworks of these courses, correlating the curriculum components and disciplines taught by field of study. Research and documentary analysis were conducted on curriculum frameworks of 196 courses. The curriculum frameworks have an average total workload of 4,547.6 hours. Of these, 3,815.7 hours consist of mandatory subjects, 459.8 hours of supervised curricular internship, 53.5 hours of the final course project, 96 hours of elective subjects, and 122.6 hours of complementary activities. Of the mandatory hours, 1,224.5 are allocated to Biological and Health Sciences, 299.1 to Humanities and Social Sciences, and 2,292.9 to Veterinary Medicine Sciences. It is concluded that Veterinary Medicine courses in Brazil have fulfilled the inclusion of mandatory components in their curricula. There are variations among states and regions in the distribution of workload. The North stood out with the highest workloads of mandatory and elective subjects, the Midwest for the final course project, and the South for the internship.


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Author Biographies

Eric Mateus Nascimento de Paula, Mineiros University Center

Veterinary Physician and Specialist in Epidemiology and Health from the Federal University of Goiás - Regional Jataí (UFG/REJ). Master and Doctor by the Graduate Program in Veterinary Medicine, focus on Preventive Veterinary Medicine, at the São Paulo State University "Júlio de Mesquita Filho", Jaboticabal Campus. He is a faculty member of the Veterinary Medicine course at UNIFIMES - University Center of Mineiros, where he develops Research and Extension Projects in the area of Antimicrobial Resistance, Infectious and Parasitic Diseases, Zoonoses, Public Health, and the Teaching of Veterinary Medicine. He also serves as a faculty member in the Higher Technology Course in Agribusiness at the State University of Goiás - UEG, in the Mineiros Unit. He is a member of the State Commission for Veterinary Medicine Education of the Regional Council of Veterinary Medicine of the State of Goiás (CRMV-GO).

Carolina de Alvarenga Cruz, Freelance Veterinary Physician

Carolina de Alvarenga Cruz, born on April 8, 1985, in the municipality of Itajaí - SC. She enrolled in February 2006 in the Veterinary Medicine Course at the University Center of Rio Preto (UNIRP), completing it in December 2010. In August 2011, she joined as a substitute teacher at the Federal University of Jataí, where she taught the subjects of Infectious Diseases, Zoonoses and Public Health, Health of Birds and Swine in the veterinary medicine course, in addition to Animal Hygiene I and II in the zootechnics course. In March 2013, she started the Master's Course in Veterinary Medicine, from the Graduate Program in Veterinary Medicine of FCAV - Unesp - Jaboticabal. She obtained the title of Master in Veterinary Medicine, area of Preventive Veterinary Medicine, from FCAV-Unesp - Jaboticabal, in February 2015 with the dissertation titled: "The teaching of Veterinary Public Health in undergraduate Veterinary Medicine courses in the Southeast region of Brazil". In March 2015, she began the Doctorate Course in Veterinary Medicine, from the Graduate Program in Veterinary Medicine of FCAV - Unesp - Jaboticabal. In 2016, she was a teaching fellow in the Veterinary Medicine course of FCAV - Unesp - Jaboticabal, teaching the subject of Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases. Working in the area of Preventive Veterinary Medicine, Epidemiology, Zoonoses, and Public Health. On the 17th day of December 2018, she defended her doctoral thesis entitled Indicators related to the evolution of the Bovine Brucellosis Control and Eradication Program in the State of São Paulo and was approved by the examining board. Between 2019 and 2020, she was a professor at the Federal University of Jataí, teaching, among others, the subjects of Infectious Diseases and Zoonoses and Public Health. At the end of the contract, she worked in the area as a co-advisor in the graduate program, giving lectures in addition to the Health Surveillance module of the Multiprofessional Residency Preparatory Course by the Federal University of Paraná.

Raphaella Barbosa Meirelles-Bartoli, Federal University of Jataí

Veterinary Physician with a Master's and Ph.D. in Preventive Veterinary Medicine from UNESP – Jaboticabal Campus. She was a faculty member at the University Center of Rio Preto between 2007 and 2010. And since 2011, she has held the position of professor at the Federal University of Jataí – UFJ in the State of Goiás, working in the undergraduate Veterinary Medicine course, in the Multidisciplinary Residency Program in Health, and in the Graduate Program in Animal Bioscience, advising in the area of Preventive Veterinary Medicine, Public Health, One Health, and Infectious Diseases. She coordinates the One Health Laboratory and the Center for Immunization and Serological Control of Human and Animal Rabies. She is the Coordinator of the Veterinary Public Health and One Health Study Group (GESP-OH). She is the Coordinator of Internships for the Veterinary Medicine Course. President of the Internationalization Committee of the Graduate Program in Animal Bioscience. Invited member of the Asociación Argentina de Zoonosis, Northeast Argentine Branch NEA. Member of the State Commission of One Health of the Veterinary Medicine Council of the State of Goiás (CRMV-GO).

Adolorata Aparecida Bianco Carvalho, São Paulo State University

Bachelor’s degree in Veterinary Medicine (1978) and Master’s in Veterinary Medicine - Animal Pathology (1995), from the São Paulo State University Júlio de Mesquita Filho, FCAV Jaboticabal; Ph.D. in Biological Sciences (Microbiology) from the University of São Paulo, ICB (2001). She worked from January 1979 to August 1990 as a veterinary physician (Agricultural Assistant) for CATI - Secretary of Agriculture of the State of São Paulo, region of São José do Rio Preto, based in the Municipality of Ibirá. Joined UNESP in Araçatuba in 1991. Currently, she is an Assistant Professor Doctor II at FCAV Campus of Jaboticabal - Unesp. She has experience in the field of Veterinary Medicine, with an emphasis on Preventive Veterinary Medicine, mainly working on the following themes: Zoonoses and Public Health; Diagnosis, epidemiology, and control of rabies; Isolation of the rabies virus in neuroblastoma cells; Management of Programs in Animal Health and Veterinary Public Health; Animal Health Defense; Health Education; Public Health; Bioethics. She is part of a research group under the agreement FMVZ of USP/Nihon University, in the research line "Genetic characterization of rabies virus samples isolated in Brazil". Coordinator of the Veterinary Medicine Course at FCAV Jaboticabal/Unesp, from 2008 to 2011. Tutor and scholarship holder of PET (Tutorial Education Program - linked to MEC/SESu/CAPES) of Veterinary Medicine at Unesp/Jaboticabal/SP, from March 2002 to July 2012. Coordinator of the Residency Program in Professional Health Area - Veterinary Medicine and Health in 2017 and 2018 (vice-coordinator from 2014 to 2016 and from 2019 onwards). President of the Municipal Health Council in Jaboticabal/SP from 2012 to 2016 and from 2019 onwards (member since 2009). Member of the "Veterinary Public Health" Commission of the Regional Council of Veterinary Medicine of the State of São Paulo, since 2015. From March 2018, a member of the National Health Council (CNS) and the Forum of National Entities of Health Workers (FENTAS), and the first deputy coordinator of the Intermanager Commission of Health Surveillance of CNS (CIVS) - representing the CFMV. A member of the ONE HEALTH BRASIL Network, as Regional Reference Member - Southeast.


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How to Cite

Paula, E. M. N. de, Cruz, C. de A., Meirelles-Bartoli, R. B., & Carvalho, A. A. B. (2024). EVALUATION OF CURRICULAR COMPONENTS AND DISCIPLINARY CONTENTS OF VETERINARY MEDICINE COURSES IN BRAZIL. Interdisciplinary Studies Journal, 6(1), 01–15. https://doi.org/10.56579/rei.v6i1.679

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