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Old age, Drag Art, Social media, With Color


Based on the discussion that took place between drag artists RuPaul Charles and Pabllo Vittar on the social network Twitter, this article aims to analyze the use of old age as a form of oppression. The netnographic study consists of a sample composed of 70 tweets collected in 2022. The results indicate the scarcity of studies around the phenomenon of old age related to the craft of drag art. Six categories of analysis were constituted, stating that old people: must be mature, are old, are envious, are bitter, have reduced mental capacity, are repressed. Old age is used as a form of oppression and defines an aesthetic/productive disability at the moment when it is socially decided that everything old becomes useless. The findings indicate the need for a change in the attitude of the field of aging studies, which, for the most part, considers it as a universal stage.


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Author Biographies

William Roslindo Paranhos , Federal University of Santa Catarina

Non-binary person, also known as Will Paranhos. Ph.D. candidate in the Postgraduate Program in Education at the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), focusing on the curriculum: subjects, knowledge, and culture research line. Holds a Master's degree in Engineering and Knowledge Management (approved with honors) from the Graduate Program in Engineering and Knowledge Management at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), with an award-winning dissertation at KMBrasil 2021, promoted by the Brazilian Society of Knowledge Management. Co-author of the book "DIVERSITIES: THE ABC FOR UNDERSTANDING DIFFERENCES," with a foreword by Prof. Dr. Berenice Bento (UNB). Currently a researcher at the Afrodite Group - Interdisciplinary Laboratory of Teaching, Research, and Extension in Sexualities (UFSC/CNPq) and a research technician in education sciences at the EDUSEX research group - Educator Training and Sexual Education (UDESC/CNPq). Holds specializations in Gender and Diversity Studies in Schools (UFSC) and Human and Social Sciences Applied to the World of Work (UFPI). Invited lecturer for the courses: Special Topics: Diversities in Organizations and their Management Practices; and Special Topics: People Management and Diversity Programs, linked to the Postgraduate Program in Engineering and Knowledge Management/UFSC. Content professor at the University of Extremo Sul Catarinense (UNESC), FMU University Center, and Positivo System, as well as Laureate International Universities, where they also work as a reviewer and producer of teaching plans for postgraduate programs. Consultant, speaker, and (dis)educator for public, private, and third-sector organizations. Worked in municipalities in Santa Catarina providing continuous training for over 1000 teachers in the public school system in the area of diversity and sexualities in schools (from early childhood to high school). Experience in the areas of difference studies; marginal education, subaltern studies, and dissident pedagogies; gender and sexuality studies; post-structuralism; complexity; pedagogy of experience; intersectionality, power, and subjection (M. Foucault); subjectivities, differences, and diversity in schools and organizations; healthy educational institutions; teacher training; literacy and literacy. Author of book chapters and articles in national and international event proceedings and journals.

Aline Debize de Fraga, Federal University of Santa Catarina

Master's in Engineering and Knowledge Management - Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC).


Édis Mafra Lapolli, Federal University of Santa Catarina

Professor in the Postgraduate Program in Engineering and Knowledge Management - Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC).



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How to Cite

Paranhos , W. R., Fraga, A. D. de, & Lapolli, Édis M. (2024). “GET OUT, YOU OLD DRAG!”: THE USE OF OLD AGE AS A FORM OF OPPRESSION ON SOCIAL MEDIA. Interdisciplinary Studies Journal, 5(7), 06–30. https://doi.org/10.56579/rei.v5i7.624



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