Organization of Work in a Special Indigenous Health District in the Northern Amazon

Perceptions of the Management Team

Visualizações: 41




Indigenous Health Services, Health of Indigenous Populations, Health Management, Local Health System


This study aimed to describe the work process of the Division of Indigenous Health Care within the East Roraima Special Indigenous Health District, based on the management team’s perspectives following the implementation of the indigenous health nucleation model in Roraima in 2018. This qualitative exploratory study was developed using data collected through interviews with 11 higher-education professionals involved in managing the DSEI-East of Roraima. Each participant received a questionnaire containing sociodemographic information and open-ended questions. Data were analyzed using Content Analysis as the methodological foundation, adhering to principles of research exhaustiveness and representativeness, along with inferential and interpretative treatment of results. Concerning the nucleation process, 91% of respondents reported receiving no training. Sixty-four percent indicated they had engaged in management activities before the model’s implementation, and 82% stated they had worked in indigenous communities. Thus, the nucleation model outlined in the Technical Note proved challenging to implement, with the lack of training on the model recognized as a key determining factor.


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Author Biographies

Igor Alves de Paiva Nascimento, Federal University of Acre

Nurse, graduated from the Federal University of Roraima (UFRR), Master's student in Collective Health at the Federal University of Acre (UFAC). Brazil, Acre, and Rio Branco.

João Luiz Pereira de Araujo, Federal University of Fluminense

PhD in Sociology and Law from the Federal University of Fluminense and a Master's in Public Security, Human Rights, and Citizenship from the State University of Roraima. He holds a degree in Law from the State University of Roraima and a specialization in Applied Constitutional Law from Damásio Educacional. Currently, he serves as the focal point for onchocerciasis at the General Coordination of Leprosy and Diseases in Elimination Surveillance of the Secretariat of Health and Environmental Surveillance at the Ministry of Health, where he works in epidemiological surveillance, planning, monitoring, and evaluation of onchocerciasis with the goal of eliminating the transmission of the disease in Brazilian territory.

José Valdemir do Nascimento, State University of Roraima

Master in Health Sciences / UFRR, Specialist in Epidemiology Applied to SUS Services - EpiSUS (FIOCRUZ/2022), Indigenous Health (FAVENI/2019/2021), Occupational Nursing (UNINTER/2015), Public Health with an Emphasis on Family Health (IN PROGRESS), Anthropology (IN PROGRESS). Bachelor in Nursing from AEB - Autarquia Educacional do Belo Jardim / FAEB - Faculdade de Enfermagem do Belo Jardim (2010), multiplier of the Indigenous Health Care Information System - SIASI, multiplier of the Integrated Management of Childhood Illness Strategy - AIDPI (PAHO/SESAI/MS/2021), standardized for the diagnosis and treatment of Trachoma (MS/2013). Currently, he is a Professor in the Medicine program at the State University of Roraima (UERR), a member of the Health Situation Analysis Team at DIASI/DSEI LRR. He was the focal point for the Center for Strategic Information in Health Surveillance (CIEVS) from 2021 to March 2023 and for the Situational Room of DIASI/DSEI East of RR during the same period. He worked as a clinical nurse stationed at the Yanomami DSEI Base Poles and RT of Epidemiological Surveillance and SIASI (N 1) (2013 to April 2020), was an instructor in the nursing technician course at SENAC PE and professional training and improvement courses at NUFAS from 2011 to 2017. He participated in the preparation of the PDSI - District Indigenous Health Plan 2016-2019 for the Yanomami DSEI. He was responsible for preparing reports for the SICONV System of the Yanomami DSEI and deputy rapporteur of the 6th CNSI - National Indigenous Health Conference of the Yanomami DSEI (2018). Coordinator and professor of training courses for Nurses and Nursing Technicians (2017-2022) at CCENP Cursos.

Jaime Louzada, State University of Roraima

Professor at the Federal University of Roraima. Holds a degree in Nursing and Obstetrics, Specialist in Health Anthropology, Specialist in Public Health with a complement in Higher Education Teaching; Specialist in Health Management; Master's in Health, Society, and Endemics in the Amazon; 10 years of experience in health activities with indigenous populations, with an emphasis on health service management, collective health, and communicable diseases. PhD in Sciences from the Graduate Program in Parasitology Biology at the Oswaldo Cruz Institute/Fiocruz (2020); CAPES 7.


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How to Cite

Nascimento, I. A. de P., Araujo, J. L. P. de, Nascimento, J. V. do, & Louzada, J. (2025). Organization of Work in a Special Indigenous Health District in the Northern Amazon: Perceptions of the Management Team. Interdisciplinary Studies Journal, 7(1), 01–15.

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