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Education, Transdiscipline, Ethic, Citizenship, TeacherAbstract
The present object of study aims to analyze the importance of transdisciplinary practice in education, as a pluralization of knowledge in the construction of knowledge inserted in the Portuguese Language discipline. The school, in its function of training citizens, has, among other things, the purpose of providing the student with knowledge related to the completeness of transdisciplinarity. Within this perspective, it is assumed to discuss discourses related to ethics and citizenship in the school environment, combined under a transdisciplinary perspective for the student, since what permeates their training at school has a part in this aspect. It is estimated from this objective, the granting of innovation in the area of knowledge compatible with the modernized way of life, thus addressing some of the existing problems. This is bibliographical research, of a qualitative nature, in which support was sought from the ideas of theorists such as: Morin (2003), Piaget (1970), Nicolescu (2000) among others. It was found that there are still organizational difficulties in working on transdisciplinarity in education, due to a current pedagogical-historical standard established in schools. The research pointed out how dialogue is the support for transdisciplinary education, in order to promote the search for meanings between disciplines, especially on various current issues.
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