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School in the Countryside, Integral Education, Education


 This article addresses the policy and experiences of full-time comprehensive education in Brazil and aims to explore the conceptions of teaching quality that permeate policies and initiatives of full-time education and full-time school through articles that debate possible relationships between the expansion length of stay at school and increases in the quality of teaching.

The methodology used is the bibliographic method, which refers to systematic research based on materials published in books, magazines, newspapers, electronic networks, that is, materials accessible to the public. Full-time school is an effective possibility to improve the quality of education, however, it indicates that efforts need to be adopted so that other dimensions of school education are met to strengthen and stimulate the full potential of this educational policy in increasing improvements in the quality of education . As a case study, we followed the EEEF. Cândida Silveira Haubmann, rural, multi-serial school, which has this format, through experiences carried out during participation in the Pedagogical Residency program. In this scenario, we found that the school, being full-time, located in a rural area, has many potentialities to be explored, but it still cannot be considered a full-time education school.


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Author Biography

Elise Pereira Vitoria, Federal University of Pampa

Student in the Professional Master's Program in Education at the Federal University of Pampa.


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How to Cite

Vitoria, E. P. (2024). EDUCAÇÃO EM TEMPO INTEGRAL: UM ESTUDO DE CASO EM ESCOLA DE ZONA RURAL. Interdisciplinary Studies Journal, 6(1), 01–15.




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