The Interrelationship of Science Education and Physical Education
In the Rural School
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Physical Education, Science Education, Rural SchoolAbstract
This research is part of the Professional Master's Program in Education for Science and Mathematics at the Federal Institute of Goiás. The aim is to investigate whether there is evidence of the interrelationship between the teaching of Science and Physical Education in rural schools. The specific objectives are: to identify the voices of teachers in rural schools regarding the interrelationship between Science and Physical Education teaching in the final years of Elementary Education, and to develop an educational product aimed at interrelating Science and Physical Education teaching through different didactic strategies. The research adopts a qualitative approach and a narrative interview with two teachers who taught Science and Physical Education. Initial results indicated that there is no articulation between Physical Education and Science disciplines. Based on this, an educational product was developed with different didactic strategies involving Science and Physical Education themes that is being implemented in rural schools. Regarding a proposal for work in rural schools, it means that the proposal must address the socio-environmental, cultural, and economic singularities of children, young people, and adults who live and survive in this space.
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