Listening in Psychopedagogy
Path to the Causes of the Symptom "Learning Difficulty"
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Education, Learning Difficulty, Symptom, ListeningAbstract
Viewed as a cause, learning difficulty tends, as observed in my practices and studies, to be analyzed as self-generating. The student does not learn because they have difficulty, thus opening the door to labeling, injustices, and mainly the depletion of the capacity to learn and the student’s self-esteem. In this way, this work arises as a point of reflection on what is called school failure, not accepting the labeling of the student as someone who cannot learn, thereby exhausting all possibilities of a liberating educational practice. It will be argued here that learning difficulties are a manifest symptom whose causes may be located in various factors of the student’s life, who is, as a subject, endowed with numerous possibilities and contexts, subject to more than one category of analysis, to be observed. Only with careful listening can we reach the solution to the problem and its proper resolution.
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