A WebQuest for Teaching Mathematics

Contributions to a Web Curriculum

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  • Leila Kely dos Santos da Paz Federal University of Alagoas
  • Ivanderson Pereira da Silva Federal University of Alagoas https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9565-8785
  • Elaine Cristina dos Santos Lima Federal University of Alagoas
  • Renan Antônio da Silva University Center of Southern Minas


Webquest, Mathematics Education, Web curriculum


This study explored the challenges and potential of developing webquests for building a web curriculum. Its objectives were: to understand the contemporary challenges in constructing a web curriculum; to describe the necessary steps for developing a webquest; to analyze the limitations of developing such a resource; and to evaluate its contributions to prospective scenarios. For this, a theoretical-bibliographical study was conducted on the didactic-pedagogical implications of social practices mediated by internet interfaces; the elements that underpin and allow the development of a webquest were described; a mathematics teaching proposal based on the use of a webquest was presented; and the limitations and potentialities of this methodological strategy for building a web curriculum were highlighted. As a product, a teaching sequence focused on spatial geometry was shared with the academic community, centered on the use of a webquest. The teaching sequence presented can be adapted to various contexts and degree programs, as well as to teachers already working in educational settings.


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Author Biographies

Leila Kely dos Santos da Paz, Federal University of Alagoas

Master's student in Science and Mathematics Education at the Graduate Program in Science and Mathematics Education at the Federal University of Alagoas (PPGECIM/UFAL).

Ivanderson Pereira da Silva, Federal University of Alagoas

PhD in Education from the Federal University of Alagoas (UFAL). Adjunct Professor at the Federal University of Alagoas, Arapiraca Campus, and Permanent Professor of PPGECIM/UFAL (Graduate Program in Science and Mathematics Education), the Postgraduate Program in Teaching and Teacher Training (PPGEFOP/UFAL), and the Northeast Postgraduate Network in Teaching (RENOEN/UFAL Pole).

Elaine Cristina dos Santos Lima, Federal University of Alagoas

Master's in Social Work from the Federal University of Alagoas (UFAL). Philosophy Professor at the Federal Institute of Education, Science, and Technology of Alagoas (IFAL), Maceió Campus.

Renan Antônio da Silva, University Center of Southern Minas

Professor and Visiting Researcher at the Graduate Program in Education at the Federal University of Pampa (UNIPAMPA). Junior Collaborative Researcher at the Graduate Program in Human Rights and Citizenship at the University of Brasília (UnB). Completed his Doctoral Internship with a CAPES/PDSE scholarship at the Center for Social Research (CIS) at the University Institute of Lisbon (ISCTE), Portugal (2015-2016). Master's degree in Regional Development and Public Policy (2014) and Bachelor's in Social Sciences (2011). Participates as a researcher in the UNESCO Chairs - José Saramago at the University of Vigo (Spain), Research and Social Responsibility in Higher Education at the University of Victoria (Canada), Intangible and Traditional Know-how: Linking Heritage at the University of Évora, and the Ignacy Sachs Chair (PUC/SP). Honorary Member of the Accademia di Scienze Umane at the Pontificia Università Urbaniana (Italy), the National Science Teaching Association (USA), the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, and the American Anthropological Association (founded by Franz Boas in 1902). Researcher at the Research Department of the University Center of Southern Minas - UNIS. Email: r.silva@unesp.br.


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How to Cite

Paz, L. K. dos S. da, Pereira da Silva, I., Lima, E. C. dos S., & Silva, R. A. da. (2021). A WebQuest for Teaching Mathematics: Contributions to a Web Curriculum. Interdisciplinary Studies Journal, 2(4). Retrieved from https://revistas.ceeinter.com.br/revistadeestudosinterdisciplinar/article/view/66

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