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Human Rights, Right to education, Gender and Sexuality


The theme of this work is the analysis of education as a mechanism for biopolitical control of bodies and knowledge, based on discourses about sexual and reproductive education. Observe the impacts and developments in Brazilian education regarding the themes mentioned over the years and how their (non) approach in schools reiterates and does not deconstruct patterns, stereotypes and gender violence. It is necessary to carry out an in-depth analysis of what type of education is being produced, with what biases and from what perspectives, taking into account the inevitable patriarchal influence in society. The theme reflects the need to understand the role of education in the construction of the individual and how this education can be used as a control mechanism, which has the power to reinforce or break with socially imposed standards regarding gender and sexual education in adolescence. The work methodology consisted of bibliographical research carried out using hypothetical-deductive approaches.


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Author Biographies

Victoria Pedrazzi, Regional University of Northwestern Rio Grande do Sul - UNIJUÍ

Graduate student in Human Rights at the Postgraduate Program in Law at UNIJUÍ. CAPES Scholarship recipient. Member of the Biopolitics and Human Rights Research Group.

Joice Graciele Nielsson, Regional University of Northwestern Rio Grande do Sul

Ph.D. in Law from the University of Vale do Rio dos Sinos (São Leopoldo/RS). Professor at the Stricto Sensu Postgraduate Program in Law at UNIJUÍ.


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How to Cite

Pedrazzi, V., & Nielsson, J. G. (2024). A EDUCAÇÃO COMO DISPOSITIVO DE CONTROLE BIOPOLÍTICO: DISCURSOS SOBRE GÊNERO E EDUCAÇÃO SEXUAL. Interdisciplinary Studies Journal, 6(1), 01–13. https://doi.org/10.56579/rei.v6i1.1095

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