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  • Jefferson Luis Brentini da Silva São Paulo State University https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4893-9442
  • Iara Barrios Nogueira da Silva São Paulo State University




Teaching Methodologies, Teaching / learning process, Human Sciences


During a scenario of profound changes in paradigms in the educational sphere, resulting from the establishment and implementation of a National Common Curricular Base (BRASIL, 2018) and the consequent structuring of the São Paulo Curriculum (SÃO PAULO, 2019), many teachers from the São Paulo public network regular education students have been wondering about how and what to teach. Faced with this, the following problem arose: how have teachers been teaching and what training support do they need? Based on these problems, a questionnaire was designed for educators who teach Human Sciences subjects in one of the Teaching Directorates, to identify which are the emergencies to be satisfied and, as results obtained with the collection of data from one hundred and four (104) employees, found that the difficulties refer to knowledge and use of teaching methodologies, methods, resources, strategies, and teaching techniques. From the data obtained, we chose to address the different roles of the school, the teacher, and the student, in addition to the ideologies present in the different pedagogical trends, to then delve deeper into the topic of teaching methods and strategies through a qualitative approach, using bibliographical research as procedures. (GIL, 2002). Its general objective was to present work possibilities for teachers, with a view to different pedagogical trends and based on the specificities that the Human Sciences area has. For specific objectives, expose pedagogical trends, as a way of pointing out the possible roles of the school, the student, and the teacher; conceptually clarify the elements that are related to the teaching/learning process, namely: methodology, methods, techniques, evaluation, resources, and teaching procedures. Furthermore, point out Gallo's (2009) methodological approach as a possibility of teaching in the field of Human Sciences. As a result, a possibility of a didactic sequence was identified without having to expropriate the characteristics and qualities of the area. The sequence involves surveying, awareness, investigation, and conceptualization (SPIC), in addition to the presentation of results and their appropriate records, synthesis.


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Author Biographies

Jefferson Luis Brentini da Silva, São Paulo State University

Ph.D. and Postdoctoral studies in School Education at São Paulo State University "Júlio de Mesquita Filho" – Faculty of Sciences and Letters in Araraquara.

Iara Barrios Nogueira da Silva, São Paulo State University

Postgraduate student (stricto sensu - Master's) in the School Education Program at São Paulo State University "Júlio de Mesquita Filho" at the Faculty of Sciences and Letters in Araraquara-SP (UNESP - FCLAr); holds an Executive MBA in Strategic Business Management from Barão de Mauá University Center; Postgraduate studies (lato sensu - Specialization) in Early Childhood Education - Initial Years and Psychopedagogy from UNIFAVENI; Bachelor's degree in Law from the University of Araraquara (UNIARA); Bachelor's degree in Pedagogy from the Paulista University (UNIP). Basic Education Teacher - Early Childhood Education. Has experience in the area of Special Education, Early Childhood Education, and Elementary School - Initial Years.


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How to Cite

Silva, J. L. B. da, & Silva, I. B. N. da. (2024). TEACHING METHODOLOGIES IN HUMAN SCIENCES IN BASIC EDUCATION: IN SEARCH OF MEANINGS AND POSSIBILITIES. Interdisciplinary Studies Journal, 5(7), 196–214. https://doi.org/10.56579/rei.v5i7.771



DOSSIÊ: Interseccionalidade e Educação: Desafios para Pensar a Educação Escolar

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