Rearrangements in Teaching and Instruction: Educational Planning and Management in the 21st Century.
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University Education, Privatization, Public Policy, Educational management, Productive RestructuringAbstract
In recent decades, Brazil has undergone significant socioeconomic transformations that have profoundly impacted higher education. Market liberalization and privatization have driven the expansion of private higher education institutions, meeting the pent-up demand for higher education, particularly among high school graduates from public schools. The reconfiguration of capital and productive restructuring have led the State to adopt a more assistive and regulatory role. This theoretical article, based on critical bibliographic analysis and data from INEP, explores the new arrangements and relationships in educational planning and management in the 21st century, focusing on higher education. It analyzes the expansion of private higher education driven by market liberalization and the adoption of business management practices in the educational sector, highlighting the consequences of these changes on public policies and the increasing reliance on the private sector.
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