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Education, Feminism, Extension , Collective


There is a demand for overcoming gender inequalities, and, in our specific case, different groups of women. Based on this, this article aims to present the results of an Extension Project, conducted at the Federal University of Amazonas. Project meetings were held with teachers, administrative workers and students from the Campus, in addition to the organization of a lecture on the topic for students and other members of the community in the municipality of Coari. The implementation of these activities sought to maintain the exchange of experiences in this academy/city relationship, promoting sisterhood and combating violence that persists in this state. Based on this experience, it is considered that there is resistance, in addition to the lack of knowledge on the subject, caused by the oppression of a sexist society in different spaces, resulting in gender oppression and prejudice surrounding Feminism.


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Author Biographies

Flávia Fernanda Santos Silva, Federal University of Amazonas

Associate Professor in the Pedagogy program at the Federal University of Amazonas, Campus Icet/Itacoatiara. Ph.D. in Education from the Graduate Program in Education at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. Master's degree in Education from the Graduate Program in Education at the Federal University of Minas Gerais. Bachelor's degree in Pedagogy from the Federal University of Maranhão. Belonged to the research line: Sociology of Education: schooling and social inequalities at UFMG. Belonged to the research line: Education, Politics, and Educational Praxis at UFRN, which develops studies and research on basic education policies, covering the following areas: education and work; management, teacher training policies, and management. Currently a member of the Research Group in Education, Training, and Teaching for Diversity (GPEFED) at UFAM. Works mainly in the following areas: Educational Policies, Management, Sociology of Education, Elementary Education, School Infrastructure, and External Evaluation. Studies and has interest in other areas: Ethnic-Racial Education, Heritage Education, and Feminism.

Alessandra Araújo da Silva, Federal University of Amazonas

Master's in Public Health from Fiocruz/Amazônia. Professor in the Physiotherapy program at the Institute of Health and Biotechnology (ISB) of the Federal University of Amazonas.

Ananda Maria Pinto Gomes, Federal University of Amazonas

Specialist in Mental Health Management (PROMINAS). Social and Community Psychologist at the Institute of Health and Biotechnology (ISB) of the Federal University of Amazonas.


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How to Cite

Silva, F. F. S., Silva, A. A. da, & Gomes, A. M. P. (2024). AÇÕES DO COLETIVO YACI NA UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO AMAZONAS: CONSTRUINDO UMA EDUCAÇÃO FEMINISTA E EMANCIPADORA. Interdisciplinary Studies Journal, 6(1), 01–14. https://doi.org/10.56579/rei.v6i1.1077

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