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School Practices, Identity, Education, Narrative Review


This article presentes the necessity to discuss and to highlight the differents adolescent experiences in the school setting, in addition to desing the intersectionality like concept and pratice applied to education. A narrative literature review was made using descriptors like diversity in schools, intersectionality, adolescence, construction of identity sense and school practices. The present review rated how to discuss intersectionality and diversity in school environment is foundational to improve equal opportunities and combating preconceived ideas. Educators need to be prepared and attend, inclusively, the studentes requirements, allowing the diversity of identity expression and contributing for a society more tolerant and equal.


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Author Biographies

Francisco Francinete Leite Junior, Dr. Leão Sampaio University Center

Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from the Catholic University of Pernambuco (UNICAP). Master's degree in Psychology from the University of Fortaleza (UNIFOR). Holds specializations in Clinical and Institutional Psychopedagogy (KURIUS), Social History (URCA), School Management (FJN), Fundamental Teaching Methodology (FJN), Child Psychology (ÚNICA), and Psychoanalytic Theory (UNILEÃO). Holds a Bachelor's degree in History from the Regional University of Cariri (URCA) and a Bachelor's degree in Psychology from Leão Sampaio College (FALS). Currently pursuing a second degree in Special Education. Professor at the Dr. Leão Sampaio University Center - UNILEÃO. Faculty member of the Professional Master's in Health Teaching - MePESa - UNILEAO.

Francisca Janiele Felipe Feitosa, Dr. Leão Sampaio University Center

Student of the POSTGRADUATE PROGRAM IN HEALTH TEACHING - PPGESa (Master's) at Dr. Leão Sampaio University Center.

Cícero Magerbio Gomes Torres, Regional University of Cariri

Postdoctoral in Education from the State University of Ceará - UECE (2021). Ph.D. in Education from the Federal University of Ceará - UFC, Research Line: Education, Curriculum, and Teaching/Axis Teaching of Sciences. Master's in Education from the Federal University of Paraíba - UFPB (2007), Research Line: Public Policies and Educational Practices, with a degree in Biological Sciences from the Regional University of Cariri - URCA (2003). Currently a professor at the Regional University of Cariri - URCA, teaching in the Biological Sciences program, the Professional Master's in Physics Teaching at URCA, and the Professional Master's in Education. Since graduation, has been working in the field of Science Education. Currently a member of the Brazilian Society for Biology Education - SBenBio.

João Vitor Alves do Nascimento, Dr. Leão Sampaio University Center

Psychology student at Dr. Leão Sampaio University Center.


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How to Cite

Leite Junior, F. F., Feitosa, F. J. F., Torres, C. M. G., & Nascimento, J. V. . A. do. (2024). DIVERSITY AND INTERSECTIONALITY: NEW PERPECTIVES OF CROSSING THE ADOLESCENCE IN SCHOOL SETTING . Interdisciplinary Studies Journal, 5(7), 130–142. https://doi.org/10.56579/rei.v5i7.912



DOSSIÊ: Interseccionalidade e Educação: Desafios para Pensar a Educação Escolar

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