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interdisciplinarity, rural, Environment, desenvolvimento, socio-environmental, postgraduate


The production of interdisciplinary knowledge in Brazilian postgraduate studies is growing in the face of environmental issues, although it is necessary to advance studies that seek to explain how this knowledge is constructed in the practice of teaching and research. This article proposes to describe and analyze an interdisciplinary experience in the rural socio-environmental area, carried out in the Postgraduate Program in Environment and Development at the Federal University of Paraná, consisting of three phases: debate and construction of a broad collective document on a common theme; collective work of the research lines; individual thesis projects. The experience produced reflections on the potentialities and challenges of interdisciplinary living, such as the structural limits of the postgraduate program. However, the collective experience also represented some ruptures with the traditional Cartesian system insofar as it promoted the expansion of possibilities for data collection and analysis through discussions and the interweaving of different disciplines in their theoretical, methodological, and analytical aspects.

The production of interdisciplinary knowledge in Brazilian postgraduate studies is growing in the face of environmental issues, although it is necessary to advance studies that seek to explain how this knowledge is constructed in the practice of teaching and research. This article proposes to describe and analyze an interdisciplinary experience in the rural socio-environmental area, carried out in the Postgraduate Program in Environment and Development at the Federal University of Paraná, consisting of three phases: debate and construction of a broad collective document on a common theme; collective work of the research lines; individual thesis projects. The experience produced reflections on the potentialities and challenges of interdisciplinary living, such as the structural limits of the postgraduate program. However, the collective experience also represented some ruptures with the traditional Cartesian system insofar as it promoted the expansion of possibilities for data collection and analysis through discussions and the interweaving of different disciplines in their theoretical, methodological, and analytical aspects.


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Author Biographies

Letícia da Costa e Silva, Federal Rural University of Pernambuco

Professor at the Department of Administration of the Federal Rural University of Pernambuco (UFRPE) and collaborating professor in the Graduate Program in Administration and Development at UFRPE.

Ana Paula Debastiani, United Nations Organization

Doctor in Environment and Development from the Graduate Program in Environment and Development at the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR). Sustainable Development Analyst at UN Habitat in Guinea Bissau.

Tatiana Cristina Kaminski, Diocesan Caritas of Itabira

Doctor in Environment and Development from the Graduate Program in Environment and Development at the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR). Socio-environmental Technical Advisor at the Diocesan Caritas of Itabira.


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How to Cite

Silva, L. da C. e, Debastiani, A. P., & Kaminski, T. C. (2024). A INTERDISCIPLINARIDADE DO SOCIOAMBIENTALISMO NA PÓS-GRADUAÇÃO STRICTO SENSU: UM ESTUDO DE CASO NO PPGMADE/UFPR. Interdisciplinary Studies Journal, 6(1), 01–20. https://doi.org/10.56579/rei.v6i1.687

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