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Indigenous Literature, Cultural Identity, Political Resistance


This study presents contemporary Indigenous Brazilian literature as a cultural expression and a political resistance tool for native peoples. The objective is to highlight the role of this literary production in preserving Indigenous identities and promoting intercultural dialogue. The adopted methodology is a qualitative approach based on bibliographic review and academic studies. The research addresses the historical trajectory of Indigenous literature, the relationship between orality and writing, and the challenges faced regarding its insertion in the publishing market and the educational system. The results show that Indigenous literature contributes to deconstructing stereotypes, strengthening collective memory, and increasing the visibility of Indigenous cultures. It is concluded that recognizing this literary production is essential for building a more just and plural society capable of valuing Brazil’s cultural diversity.


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Author Biographies

Djalma Barboza Enes Filho, Federal University of Acre

Professor and researcher at the Federal University of Acre – UFAC. PhD in Education from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (2022). Master’s degree in Letters – Portuguese Language from the Federal University of Acre (2015). Specialist in Psychopedagogy from the Varzeagrandense Faculty of Human Sciences – FVCH (2001). Bachelor’s degree in Letters – Portuguese Language from the Federal University of Acre (2011) and a Bachelor’s degree in Pedagogy from the Federal University of Acre (2001). Member of GEPEd (Group for Studies and Research in Education) at the Federal University of Acre. Member of the Research Group LITERALISE: Research Group on Children’s and Youth Literature and Literary Mediation Practices at the Federal University of Santa Catarina. Researcher in the field of Education and Letters, with an emphasis on Literacy and Reading Development, Reader Training, Children’s Literature, and Brazilian Indigenous Literature. Has experience in Higher Education, Basic Education, and Professional Education.

Sônia Elina Sampaio Enes, Federal University of Acre

PhD in Education from the Federal University of Paraná (2022); Master's degree in Letters: Language and Identity from the Federal University of Acre (2016); Specialization in Special/Inclusive Education from INEC - Instituto de Educação Superior Acreano - Faculdade Euclides da Cunha (2011); Bachelor's degree in Pedagogy from the Federal University of Acre (2008). Experience in the State Education Network as an Itinerant Teacher for students with disabilities, a Specialized Educational Assistance Teacher, and in the training of teachers to work with students with disabilities, Autism Spectrum Disorders, and Giftedness/High Abilities. Currently, she is a professor and researcher at the Federal University of Acre, working in the research line Education, Culture, and Diversity. She is a researcher in the GEPED - Group for Study and Research in Education and also a member of the Research Group on Teaching Investigation and Diversities (GRIDD), working in the research line of Special Education with an inclusive approach. She has experience in the field of Education, with an emphasis on the Foundations of Special and Inclusive Education and Inclusive Education Methodologies.

Pedro Lopes da Silva, Federal University of Acre

Bachelor’s degree in Pedagogy from the Federal University of Acre – UFAC (1999). Master’s degree in Education from the Graduate Program in Education at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (2015), in the Research Line: Teaching and Teacher Education (EFE). PhD in Education from the Graduate Program in Education at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (2022), in the Research Line: Subjects, Educational Processes, and Teaching (SUPED). Bachelor's degree in Theology from the São Paulo Theological Faculty (2008). Specialist in Public Health (UNAERP). Specialization in Psychopedagogy from the Várzea-grandense Institute of Education (IVE). Teacher Training for Online Education from the University of Brasília – UNB. Adjunct Professor II in the permanent faculty of Higher Education, under an Exclusive Dedication regime, at the Federal University of Acre – UFAC, based in the Center for Education and Letters (CEL)/Floresta Campus. Researcher in the fields of Youth and Adult Education, public policies for education, curriculum, and school management.


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How to Cite

Enes Filho, D. B., Enes, S. E. S., & Silva, P. L. da. (2025). AN OVERVIEW OF CONTEMPORARY BRAZILIAN INDIGENOUS LITERATURE. Interdisciplinary Studies Journal, 7(1), 01–20.

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