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Organizations, Development, Organizational Development, Multidimensional Organizational Development



The article addresses the Organizational Development (OD) theory and the emergence of the Multidimensional Organizational Development (DOM) theory. New organizational dynamics involving a systemic and interdisciplinary vision between applied social sciences and organizational development are smoothed out. Critical theory and the Frankfurt school are also addressed, which make up an evaluative analysis of the OD theory with an evaluative focus on Cartesianism and the market that restricts organizations and society to one-dimensional cultural models. Conclusively, it is inferred that DO is insufficient to relate organizations and development, with the need to reformulate organizational dynamics focused on DOM combined with critical thinking.


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Author Biographies

Mariane Beatriz Wittmann, Federal University of Santa Maria

PhD candidate in the Graduate Program at the Federal University of Santa Maria/RS, Brazil, Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Maria.

Fernando Batista Bandeira da Fontoura, University of Santa Cruz do Sul

Postdoctoral in Regional Development, with a research focus on territorial planning and market dynamics. Doctorate in Regional Development - Organizations and Markets, from Unisc (2019), Master's in Business Administration from Fundação Getúlio Vargas - EBAPE-FGV RJ (2009). Bachelor's degree in Accounting from the University of Santa Cruz do Sul (2002), MBA in Management, and specialist in Business Management. Director of Controler Business Advisory. Experience in organizational consulting in the areas of strategy, organizational development, costing methods with an emphasis on selecting costing methodologies and the informational needs of the organization, and management of family units.

Milton Luiz Wittmann, Integrated Regional University

Doctor in Business Administration - FEA/USP (1996). Full Professor at UFSM - Federal University of Santa Maria RS (1992-2014) with experience in Undergraduate and Graduate courses, Department Head, Coordinator of the Interinstitutional Master's Program in Business Administration UFSC-UFSM (1998-2000), and of the PPGA. Professor at UNISC - University of Santa Cruz do Sul from 2014 to 2017, with involvement in the Graduate Programs in Regional Development and Business Administration. Implemented and coordinated the Graduate Program in Business Administration at UFSM. Was Coordinator of Lato Sensu face-to-face courses and the Postgraduate Program - Specialization level - in Public Management/EaD. Member of the Editorial Board of the UFSM Publishing House from 2011 to 2013. He has been a course evaluator for undergraduate programs and HEIs since 1996 by the National Institute for Educational Studies and Research (INEP). Coordinated research projects with funding from CNPq and FAPERGS. He is a reviewer for scientific journals. Publishes in the areas of Business Administration and Regional Development, involving Tourism, Local Productive Arrangements, Business Strategy, and Competitiveness. Since 2017, he has been working at URI - Integrated Regional University of Upper Uruguay and the Missions - Santo Ângelo Campus, in the Graduate Program in Strategic Management of Organizations - PPGGEO. He organized the following works: a) Regional Development: Interdisciplinary Approaches; b) Administration: Systems Theory and Complexity; c) Regional Development: Social Capital, Networks, and Planning; and d) Dictionary of Administration, Management, and Organizations.


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How to Cite

Wittmann, M. B., Fontoura, F. B. B. da, & Wittmann, M. L. (2024). MULTIDIMENSIONAL AND SYSTEMIC VISION OF ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT. Interdisciplinary Studies Journal, 6(5), 01–20.

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