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Cooperativism, Northwest Region, Development, Management


Cooperativism is based on the principles of solidarity and cooperation. These manifest themselves throughout human history, in different societies, contexts and cultures, giving rise to experiences of collective organization with a view to achieving common goals. The cross-border missionary territory between Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay brings at its core the strong ties of cooperative culture. In this territory, the state of Rio Grande do Sul stands out as a pioneer in the field and prominent in terms of the number of cooperatives in Brazil. It is in this context that the study is inserted, which aims to identify the parent cooperative organizations existing in the Northwest Region of the State of Rio Grande do Sul, in the various branches of cooperativism. The work's methodology is a quantitative, exploratory and descriptive approach. It is intended, from the results, to generate data that can be used in future research, in order to contribute to the strengthening of cooperativism in the Northwest region of the State of Rio Grande do Sul in terms of the process of innovation and technological transformation, generating, different scientific and technological impacts.


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Author Biographies

Louise de Lira Roedel Botelho, Federal University of the Southern Border

Post-Doctor in Engineering and Knowledge Management from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), Full Professor of the Graduate Program in Development and Public Policies at the Federal University of the Southern Border (UFFS), Cerro Largo campus/RS. Collaborating Professor of the Graduate Program in Engineering and Knowledge Management (UFSC).

Fabiano Kapelinski, Federal University of the Southern Border

Master in Development and Public Policies from the Federal University of the Southern Border (UFFS), Cerro Largo campus, RS. Bachelor in Administration from the same institution. CNPq Extension Scholarship Holder in Brazil - Level B.

Paola Vogt, Federal University of the Southern Border

Master's student in the Graduate Program in Development and Public Policies (PPGDPP) at the Federal University of the Southern Border (UFFS), Cerro Largo Campus, RS. CAPES/DS scholarship holder.

Marcelo Macedo, Federal University of Santa Catarina

Doctor in Engineering and Knowledge Management from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), Professor in the Graduate Program in Engineering and Knowledge Management (UFSC).


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How to Cite

Botelho, L. de L. R., Kapelinski, F., Vogt, P., & Macedo, M. (2024). MAPEAMENTO DAS ORGANIZAÇÕES COOPERATIVAS EXISTENTES NA REGIÃO NOROESTE DO ESTADO DO RIO GRANDE DO SUL. Interdisciplinary Studies Journal, 6(1), 01–22.

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