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Organic Agriculture, Ecological Agriculture, Permaculture, Biodynamic Agriculture, Natural Agriculture


This work analyzes the currents and styles of Ecologically-Based Agriculture in Brazil, investigating its origins, contexts, subjects and organizations involved. It aims to understand how these sustainable practices are being implemented in the country and identify the challenges faced by social movements, institutions and individuals in promoting these styles of agriculture. The methodology used was Systematic Literature Mapping in the Google Scholar, Portal de Periódicos da CAPES, Scielo and Redalyc databases. Publications were screened between 1992 and 2023, using the search string “alternative agriculture” AND “ecologically based agriculture” AND “Brazil”; and their equivalents in English and Spanish. From this screening, an active search was carried out for the descriptors: “organic agriculture”, “ecological agriculture”, “permaculture”, “biodynamic agriculture” and “natural agriculture”, with the selection of 30 relevant publications for analysis. The results point to the diversity of Ecologically-Based Agriculture currents in Brazil, each with its own particularities and contributions to the sustainability of agriculture in the country. The fundamental role of social movements, popular education and agroecology in promoting these practices and the need to build organizational processes and appropriate technologies for greater dissemination of these styles of agriculture throughout the country is highlighted.


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Author Biographies

Marcio Harrison dos Santos Ferreira, Federal Institute of Education, Science, and Technology of Piauí

Bachelor’s and Licentiate degree in Biological Sciences from UEFS; Master’s in Science (Botany) from UEFS; EBTT Professor at the Federal Institute of Education, Science, and Technology of Piauí (IFPI) – Paulistana Campus. Conducts research in the fields of Ethnobotany, Agroecology, Territorial Development, and Science Education, in which he supervises students from vocational technical, undergraduate, and graduate courses.

Adriana Ferreira Nascimento, Federal University of Vale do São Francisco

Bachelor’s degree in Agricultural Sciences Education (IF Baiano); Specialization in Sustainable Development in the Semi-Arid Region with an Emphasis on Water Resources (IF Baiano); Master’s in Rural Extension (UNIVASF); PhD candidate in Agroecology and Territorial Development (UNIVASF). Currently, she is the Project Coordinator for Technical Assistance and Rural Extension at the Regional Institute of Appropriate Small-Scale Agriculture.

José Henrique Santos Souza, Federal University of Vale do São Francisco

PhD candidate in Agroecology and Territorial Development at UNIVASF/Juazeiro. Bachelor’s degree in Geography from UPE/Petrolina. Master’s degree in Rural Extension from the Federal University of Vale do São Francisco (UNIVASF). Specialist in Digital Technologies Applied to Education from IF Sertão Petrolina/PE. Specialist in Teaching for Professional and Technological Education from IFES. Holds an Advanced Training in Low-Emission Technologies – Strengthening Coexistence with the Semi-Arid Region, from UNIVASF. Has a specialization in Binational Agroecology, a partnership between the State University of Rio Grande do Sul and the University of the Republic of Uruguay. Postgraduate in Advanced Training in Mentorship for Professional and Technological Education from IFES. Postgraduate in Distance Education Management and in Environmental Education and Geography of the Semi-Arid Region from IFRN.

Cristiane Moraes Marinho, Federal Institute of Sertão Pernambucano

PhD in Rural Extension, faculty member at the Federal Institute of Education, Science, and Technology of Sertão Pernambucano (IFSertãoPE), professor in the Graduate Program in Agroecology and Territorial Development (PPGADT) and the Graduate Program in Rural Extension (PPGExR), both at the Federal University of Vale do São Francisco.

Helder Ribeiro Freitas, Federal University of Vale do São Francisco

Associate Professor II at the Federal University of Vale do São Francisco (UNIVASF). Holds a degree in Agronomic Engineering (UFV, 2002), a Master’s (UFV, 2004), and a PhD (UFV, 2009) in Soil Science. Has interdisciplinary training and works in the fields of Pedology, Rural Extension, Agroecology, and Sustainable Rural Development. Currently a permanent faculty member of the Professional Doctorate Program in Agroecology and Territorial Development in partnership with UNIVASF/UFRPE/UNEB and the Master’s in Rural Extension at UNIVASF. Coordinates the CVT/NEA/NUSAN Sertão Agroecológico.


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How to Cite

Ferreira, M. H. dos S., Nascimento, A. F., Souza, J. H. S., Marinho, C. M., & Freitas, H. R. (2024). CURRENTS AND STYLES OF ECOLOGICALLY-BASED AGRICULTURE IN BRAZIL: ORIGINS, CONTEXTS, SUBJECTS, AND ORGANIZATIONS. Interdisciplinary Studies Journal, 6(4), 01–25.

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