A Systematic Literature Review
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Technological innovations, Innovation, Technology, Family Farming, Sustainable agricultureAbstract
The trends indicate that the agricultural sector presents the need for technological innovations in all stages of the production chain in order to achieve higher productivity rates with sustainability. However, in Brazil, this sector presents a discrepancy in relation to the adoption of these technologies. In this sense, this paper aims to present a systematic review of the literature related to family farming in Brazil and the use of technological innovations in food production. This is a descriptive, exploratory and qualitative study, adopting as a technical procedure the systematic review of the literature, opting for the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) method of analysis. The study pointed out several advantages in the use of technologies in food production, such as increased productivity and quality of food, sustainability, improved quality of life for producers and their families, among other benefits. presenting as difficulties the high cost, limitation of resources, difficulty of credit and technical assistance. It can be observed that the use of technologies by family farming is considered an innovation that brings numerous benefits to the producer, positively impacting food production, farmers' quality of life, as well as the environment.
Keywords: Technological innovations; Innovation; Technology; Family Farming; Sustainable agriculture.
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