Characterization of Risk Factors in Patients of the HIPERDIA Program in the State of Paraná
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Diabetes Mellitus, Hypertension, Risk Factors, Chronic DiseasesAbstract
Diabetes mellitus and hypertension are chronic diseases with high prevalence in Brazil, where they are generally associated with risk factors such as coronary artery disease, kidney disease, acute myocardial infarction, sedentary lifestyle, and overweight, which lead to hospitalization, worsening of the underlying disease, and death. In response, the HIPERDIA program was created to register patients with these underlying diseases, with or without risk factors, for screening, providing better control over disease progression and intervening before it worsens. This study aimed to characterize the risk factors associated with hypertension and diabetes mellitus in patients from the state of Paraná in outpatient care between January and April 2013, using data from TABNET of DATASUS. It was found that systemic arterial hypertension is more prevalent among these patients, with sedentary lifestyle and overweight being the most prominent risk factors. The study also demonstrated the dependence of these factors on the underlying diseases when analyzed together. Therefore, it is possible to understand the importance of the program that registers and screens these patients, but there is a need for constant updates to ensure the accuracy of the analysis profile, as well as the adopted interventions.
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