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Special Education, Full-Time Education, Amazon, Access and PermanenceAbstract
This text features the research results where the aim was to to analyze the disabilities students inclusion process , in the context of a Full-Time Educational Center (CETI) in Parintins. The methodology was conducted by bibliographical research, seeking to investigate the relationships occurece between school inclusion and the Full-Time Education model current in Parintins. Later, through readings carried out on the topics, it was possible to realize that there is no specific legislation that include the student with a disability in the CETI. Special Education is attributed to one of the teaching modalities, aimed at people with cognitive, physical, sensory, mental or multiple limitations. Inclusive Education, on the other hand, refers to initiatives aimed at the inclusion of people with disabilities in educational contexts. This model is being adapted to Full-Time Schools. Thus, Full-Time Education has motivated reflections and debates related to public policies for education, as well as directing the views and discussions of some researchers in their work, which are cited by Soares and Colares (2020), Cavalieri (2002) and Mauricio (2009) and within this large universe, there are students with disabilities who will also be included in the same teaching standard.
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