Public Policy Observatory
Discussions on Access and Retention in Basic Education in the Northwestern São Paulo Region
Visualizações: 292Keywords:
region of Noroeste Paulistano, education, public policies, inequalitiesAbstract
The research report depicts part of the structural conditions that permeate public education in the Northwestern São Paulo region, which influence students' access to and retention in schools. As part of a larger project involving the creation of a Public Policy Observatory for the region, this initial mapping sought to outline socioeconomic structural determinants and markers to support the debate on educational public policies, aligned with Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) number 4 of the 2030 Agenda (Quality Education) and the National Education Plan (PNE, BRAZIL, 2014). The methodology used was based on collecting official data through transparency platforms, institutional websites, media-reported data, and conversations with school administrators. The picture drawn of the Northwestern São Paulo region reveals two clear trends: the region's heterogeneity in terms of access to public policies and rights, and the historical precariousness of the "periphery of the periphery," large areas that have historically experienced deficits in access to rights, including education. We believe these asymmetries found in the Northwestern São Paulo region should be considered when implementing educational public policies.
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