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  • Alan Francisco Carvalho Pereira Federal University of the São Francisco Valley
  • Luiza Garziera Federal University of the São Francisco Valley
  • Marcelo Henrique Pereira dos Santos Federal University of the São Francisco Valley
  • Patrícia Pereira Alves Federal University of the São Francisco Valley



Climate Change, Socioeconomic Impacts, Temporal Analysis, Resilience


This study aims to examine the intersection between natural disasters and social vulnerability in Brazil from 1991 to 2022, exploring aspects of climate justice. The analysis focuses on how climatic events affect the most vulnerable populations, highlighting existing inequalities and emphasizing the importance of an equitable approach in risk management and the implementation of environmental conservation policies. Using data from the Integrated Disaster Information System, the work analyzes the impact of adverse climatic events on municipalities with varying levels of social vulnerability. The adopted methodology is quantitative, using statistical analysis to correlate the frequency of disasters with social development indicators. The results indicate a significant correlation between high social vulnerability and greater disaster impact, suggesting the need for more effective public policies to increase the resilience of vulnerable communities.


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Author Biographies

Alan Francisco Carvalho Pereira, Federal University of the São Francisco Valley

Graduate student of the Postgraduate Program in Agroecology and Territorial Development at the Federal University of the São Francisco Valley.

Luiza Garziera, Federal University of the São Francisco Valley

Pursuing a Professional Interdisciplinary Doctorate in Agroecology and Territorial Development at the Federal University of the São Francisco Valley (UNIVASF) in the research line of Environment and Health, with a thesis related to Public Health in Rural Communities. Holds a Master's degree in Health and Biological Sciences from the Federal University of the São Francisco Valley (UNIVASF). Specialization in Management and Environmental Education from the Faculty of Business Sciences of Natal (FACEN). Postgraduate degree in Public Health from Faculdade Única Prominas. Bachelor's degree in Biological Sciences from the University of Pernambuco (UPE). Bachelor's degree in Management with a focus on Managerial Processes from Estácio de Sá University. Works as a Biologist in the role of Institutional Supporter at the State Health Department of Pernambuco (VIII GERES) and at the University of Pernambuco (UPE) Campus Petrolina, serving as a Lecturer in the areas of Biological Sciences and Education.

Marcelo Henrique Pereira dos Santos, Federal University of the São Francisco Valley

I hold a degree in Social Sciences from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (1997), a master's degree in Social Sciences (Politics) from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (1999), and a Ph.D. in Social Sciences (Politics) from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (2005). I was a Pet/Capes scholarship holder in the Social Sciences course at PUC-SP. I am currently an Associate Professor III at the Federal University of the São Francisco Valley (UNIVASF). I am a research professor in the Doctoral Program in Agroecology and Territorial Development (PPGADT). I am a research professor in the Professional Master's in Rural Extension (PPGExR). I am also a research professor in the Professional Master's in Public Administration in National Network (PROFIAP).

Patrícia Pereira Alves, Federal University of the São Francisco Valley

Bachelor's degree in Pedagogy from the University of the State of Bahia (UNEB) (2001). Specialized in Psychopedagogy from the University of Pernambuco (UPE). Specialist in Rural Education from the Federal University of the São Francisco Valley. Master's degree in Health and Biological Sciences from the Federal University of the São Francisco Valley. Professor at the Federal Institute of Education, Science, and Technology of the Pernambuco Sertão, Petrolina Rural Campus. Doctoral student in Agroecology and Territorial Development (UNIVASF).


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How to Cite

Pereira, A. F. C., Garziera, L., Santos, M. H. P. dos, & Alves, P. P. (2025). CONNECTIONS BETWEEN NATURAL DISASTERS AND SOCIAL VULNERABILITY IN BRAZIL: A CLIMATE JUSTICE ANALYSIS FROM 1991 TO 2022. Interdisciplinary Studies Journal, 7(1), 01–23.

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