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Waste separation behavior, Household waste, Quality tools


This study analyzed the effectiveness of solid waste management in a residential condominium, identifying flaws and proposing improvements to align practices with sustainability principles and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The methodology included the use of questionnaires and quality tools such as Flowcharts, FMEA, and the 5W2H Framework for data analysis and identifying improvement opportunities. Analysis of the 26 questionnaires revealed a predominantly young population in the condominium, highlighting the urgent need to improve waste segregation and management according to current regulations. Major issues identified included inadequate waste mixing and poor selective collection. To address these issues, the study proposed implementing a selective collection system, awareness campaigns, and installing specific bins. The proposed methodology proved effective in identifying flaws and improvements aligned with SDG 11, which promotes sustainable cities. This model could serve as a basis for future research in other condominiums, expanding the impact of solid waste management practices. As a result, the study demonstrated the methodology's effectiveness in evaluating solid waste management in condominiums, contributing to sustainable practices and their urban replicability.


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Author Biographies

Marcela Evelyn Paiva de Azevedo, Federal University of Technology Paraná

PhD candidate in the Graduate Program in Environmental Science and Technology at the Federal University of Technology - Paraná.

Alexandre Pilad Lebre, Federal University of Technology Paraná

Master's student in the Graduate Program in Environmental Science and Technology at the Federal University of Technology - Paraná.

André Nagalli, Federal University of Technology Paraná

Civil Engineer, Lawyer, and Lecturer in the Graduate Programs in Civil Engineering (PPGEC) and Environmental Science and Technology (PPGCTA) at the Federal University of Technology - Paraná.

Karina Querne de Carvalho, Federal University of Technology Paraná

Lecturer in the Graduate Program in Environmental Science and Technology and the Graduate Program in Civil Engineering at the Federal University of Technology - Paraná.


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How to Cite

Azevedo, M. E. P. de, Lebre, A. P., Nagalli, A., & Carvalho, K. Q. de. (2024). EFFICIENCY IN WASTE MANAGEMENT IN A CONDOMINIUM: ANALYSIS AND PROPOSALS ALIGNED WITH SDGS FOR SUSTAINABILITY. Interdisciplinary Studies Journal, 6(5), 01–22. https://doi.org/10.56579/rei.v6i5.1471

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