Effects of Capitalism and Neoliberalism on Women's Lives

Perspectives on Identities, Rights, and Recognition

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  • Aline Rodrigues Maroneze URI Santo Ângelo/RS https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6490-5499
  • Jóice Graciele Nielsson Regional University of Northwestern State of Rio Grande do Sul




Neoliberalism, Capitalism, Identities, Theory of Recognition, Women's Rights


This essay aims to study the impacts of capitalism and neoliberalism on women's lives, initially addressing the categories of identity and difference in order to better understand their interrelation with the proposed discussion. It also seeks to emphasize the importance of safeguarding and guaranteeing women's rights and recognition as tools to mitigate the impacts caused by the non-observance of women's rights. In this sense, the general objective of this theoretical essay is to investigate how neoliberalism and capitalism influence the (non) recognition of women's rights and identities within the socio-legal context. The research problem is grounded in the question: How have neoliberalism and capitalism influenced the recognition of women's rights and identities within the socio-legal sphere? The study demonstrated that when society assigns roles and places to women, it also creates new identities for them, which are not always recognized, with some even reflecting prejudice and the marginalization of women by the capitalist and patriarchal society. However, feminist movements become an important tool for recognition and the conquest of rights in such an unequal society as the modern one. The methodology employs a deductive method and focuses on bibliographic research, of a qualitative nature, based on a literature review of the proposed theme.


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Author Biographies

Aline Rodrigues Maroneze, URI Santo Ângelo/RS

Ph.D. candidate in Human Rights at the Regional University of Northwestern State of Rio Grande do Sul, UNIJUI. Scholarship holder of the Emergency Graduate Program Development (PDPG) for the Strategic Consolidation of Graduate Programs (PPGs) stricto sensu academic programs with grades 3 and 4 from the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES). Master's in Law from the Regional Integrated University of Upper Uruguai and Missions- URI, Santo Ângelo/RS campus. Master's in Development and Public Policies from the Federal University of Southern Border, Cerro Largo/RS campus (2020). Postgraduate in Civil Procedural Law from Unintter (2016). Graduated in Law from the Regional Integrated University of Upper Uruguai and Missions (2011). Member of the Research Group: Minority Rights, Social Movements, and Public Policies, and the Biopolitics and Human Rights Research Group, linked to the Human Rights Graduate Program at Unijuí. Member of the Human Rights Commission at OAB/RS, Santo Ângelo/RS Subsection. Non-practicing lawyer, registered with OAB/RS under number 86.479. Email: aline_maroneze@yahoo.com.br Phone: (55) 98105-9140

Jóice Graciele Nielsson, Regional University of Northwestern State of Rio Grande do Sul

Postdoctoral in Law from the Università degli Studi "G. d'Annunzio" - Chieti - Pescara (2024). Ph.D. in Public Law from the University of Vale do Rio dos Sinos/UNISINOS-FURB (2016). Graduated in Law from the Regional University of Northwestern State of Rio Grande do Sul (2010) and Master's in Development from the Regional University of Northwestern State of Rio Grande do Sul (2012). Currently, she is a Professor-Researcher in the Graduate Program in Law - Master's and Ph.D. in Human Rights - and the Undergraduate Law Course at the Regional University of Northwestern State of Rio Grande do Sul. Coordinator of the Postgraduate Program in Restorative Justice and Mediation at the same institution. Coordinator of the Research Project "People with Global Developmental Disorders (GDD) in Stricto Sensu Graduate Education in Brazil: public policies for educational and professional inclusion." Her main research areas include: Gender, Feminism, Sexual and Reproductive Rights; Inclusion and Human Rights of People with Disabilities and Global Developmental Disorders; Human Rights and Public Safety; Biopolitics and Necropolitics. She is a member of the Human Rights and Biopolitics Research Group (CNPq).


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How to Cite

Maroneze, A. R., & Graciele Nielsson, J. (2024). Effects of Capitalism and Neoliberalism on Women’s Lives: Perspectives on Identities, Rights, and Recognition. Interdisciplinary Studies Journal, 6(2), 01–18. https://doi.org/10.56579/rei.v6i2.1322

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