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Ecology Education, Aquaponic System, Curriculum


In the context of Ecology education in Brazil's basic education, a gap is identified, criticized for being predominantly theoretical and based on memorization of concepts, compromising the development of socio-emotional skills, and the formation of environmental ethics in students. Given this scenario, the use of aquaponic systems is proposed as a didactic resource to promote ecological literacy and contribute to students' comprehensive education. The technique, integrating aquaculture and hydroponics, stands out for its underexplored pedagogical potential in basic education, offering a practical and integrated approach to environmental issues. The research presents potential teaching practices with aquaponic systems, relating them to the curricular guidelines of the BNCC, key concepts, principles for ecological literacy, and the four pillars of UNESCO education. It is concluded that the potential contribution of using aquaponic systems goes beyond making classes dynamic or practical, promoting an integrated approach to scientific, technological, and social issues. Emphasizing the importance of its dissemination through cross-sectoral policies for teacher training and integration with communities and families.


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Author Biographies

Yoshiaki Nogueira Miyazaki, Ministry of Fisheries and Aquaculture

Graduated in Biological Sciences from São Paulo State University "Júlio de Mesquita Filho" (UNESP), was a teaching initiation scholarship holder (PIBID/CAPES) and a scientific initiation scholarship holder (PIBIC/CNPq and IC/FAPESP), dedicating himself to the study of aspects of stream fish ecology, landscape ecology, and fishing activity in the Upper Paraná River basin. He worked as a technical advisor to Fishermen's Colonies in the northwest of São Paulo state and currently heads the Fisheries Territories Division at the Department of Fisheries Territories and Planning of the National Artisanal Fisheries Secretariat of the Ministry of Fisheries and Aquaculture. He has experience and interest in the areas of Continental Fisheries Planning and Defense and Promotion of the Rights of Artisanal Fishers and their Territories.

Renan Pinton de Camargo, State University of Campinas

Forest Engineer from the Luiz de Queiroz School of Agriculture, University of São Paulo (2009). Master's degree (2018) and PhD candidate in the Graduate Program in Teaching and History of Earth Sciences, Institute of Geosciences, State University of Campinas (UNICAMP). His research focuses on environmental management in rural areas, particularly on forest ecosystem restoration. He has professional experience in forestry and environmental management.

Maxwell Luiz da Ponte, State University of Ceará

Graduated in Biological Sciences (Teaching and Bachelor's degrees) from São Paulo State University Júlio de Mesquita Filho (2017), Master's in Teaching and History of Earth Sciences (2018), and PhD in Sciences (2022) from the Teaching and History of Earth Sciences Program at the Institute of Geosciences, State University of Campinas - UNICAMP (CAPES Evaluation Area 46 - Teaching). Between 2022 and 2023, worked as a basic education teacher (PEB II) teaching Science in the final years of Elementary School at schools of the Municipal Education Department of São José do Rio Preto. Currently an Adjunct Professor (Science and Biology Teaching Sector) at the Health Sciences Center of the State University of Ceará (UECE - Itaperi Campus), he is part of the Research Group on Science Teaching and Teacher Training - ENCEFORD at UECE and is a permanent faculty member of the Professional Master's Program in Biology Teaching in the National Network PROFBIO/UECE.


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How to Cite

Miyazaki, Y. N., Camargo, R. P. de, & Ponte, M. L. da. (2024). AQUAPONICS AS A RESOURCE FOR ECOLOGICAL LITERACY AND INTEGRAL EDUCATION IN BASIC EDUCATION. Interdisciplinary Studies Journal, 6(1), 01–17.

