The historical construction of Andrés Guacurarí Artigas in the town of Santo Tomé, Corrientes

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  • Alfredo Montenegro Federal University of Pampa


Globalization, Historical identity, Nation, Andrés Guacurarí, Argentinian identity, Sovereignty, Memory operations, Public Policies


With the development of the phenomenon of globalization, Latin American nations have initiated a process of reconstruction through the recovery of figures that were once rendered invisible by national historiography. In this context, with the reemergence of the nation, figures that reinforce a new sense of "Argentinian identity" have gained relevance. Such is the case of Andresito Guacurarí Artigas. Public policies have revived him as a hero of the defense of national sovereignty, generating growing interest in his life and actions in various academic and historiographical fields. In this framework, we are interested in analyzing how the image of Andresito was constructed in the town of Santo Tomé from the perspective of historians and local public policies, with the goal of unveiling the process of rescuing his figure


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Author Biography

Alfredo Montenegro, Federal University of Pampa

Federal University of Pampa


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How to Cite

Montenegro, A. (2021). The historical construction of Andrés Guacurarí Artigas in the town of Santo Tomé, Corrientes. Interdisciplinary Studies Journal, 2(2). Retrieved from